Become the best version of yourself you always wanted to be.

I am here to continuously motivate and guide you through the process of your transformation.

Meet Lisa Duma

My fitness journey began 16 years ago after becoming a mom of twins. At that time, I was not comfortable with my weight and state of mind. Having low self-esteem – I needed a positive change in my life. I first started taking fitness seriously when I joined a local fitness club.  Since then, fitness and helping others has become a passion of mine and source of mental strength.

As a healthcare provider by profession, I understand that regular physical activities, healthy nutrition, and positive attitude can improve overall health, reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and promote emotional well-being. Staying active is one of the best things you could do for yourself.

The Human body is made for movement – and sometimes the modern lifestyle does not promote as such.  Fitness has changed my life for better and still keeps empowering me daily, and I know it can change yours too. My goal  as a personal trainer is to share my life experiences and acquired knowledge to help you live your life to its fullest extent, and achieve your personal goals.

What I Do

- Personalized Fitness Training
- Specialized Fitness Training for Women
- Nutrition Coaching
- Imbalance Assessment and Correction
- And Much More!


- Certified Personal Trainer (NASM)
- Corrective Exercise Specialist (NASM)
- Certified Nutrition Coach (NASM)