
Lisa, Thank you for not letting me quit when I wanted to, or go easy when I was tired. You believed in me more than I believed in myself.
I didn’t really know what I was doing at the gym, but under your guidance, I’ve succeeded more than I could ever hope. You’re a great trainer, and I’ve enjoyed working with you. Not only am I in better shape now, but I also feel much more confident about myself. A great many thanks to your talent as a personal trainer! You’ve changed my world.”

-Tara Burke

“I initially was feeling pretty weak and deconditioned with poor esteem. I met Lisa for personal training and she helped build me up mentally and physically. She’s very positive and optimistic and strong minded. In a way she was and continues to be a role model for me. I highly recommend her for personal training.” 

– Samar 

Lisa Duma is an outstanding trainer – the best I have had in my many years of working out and doing competitive boxing !    Lisa knows how to get results: I lost 30 pounds and went down over 3 belt sizes in 5 months through a combination of weight training, aerobics and better nutrition.  Lisa has an amazing knowledge of nutrition, and I learned many life changing diet choices.  My previously persistent pot belly is gone and most of my fat is gone Ithought was impossible to lose.   Lisa is a master trainer and coach who uses a very precise well thought out program which seems magical.   I feel 20 years younger.  If your looking to get in shape you thought not possible and look years younger, then Lisa can show you the way.”

– Ed Belbruno, Princeton NJ, Artist and Mathematician, Author of Fly Me to the Moon www.edbelbruno.com

“I started my personal training to lose weight. I know if I lose a little bit of weight I can “fly”.  Lisa is helping me achieve my goals – I love this feeling! First of all, I think Lisa is trying  to find your areas of weakness which you need to improve (stabilize). I had a problem with my lower back. She is training me on how to use my back so I don’t do more damage. She showed me how to lift heavy stuff and always reminds me if I forget about it. She has an individual approach and makes periodic corrections to my exercise plan during the session. She is very professional. I would recommend her to people who went to physical therapists or chiropractors with back or shoulder problems and did not find any help. Second, Lisa can be your nutritional trainer. She can help you to build your personal nutritional plan and walk you through it. Third, Lisa can help you manage your emotional disbalance. Lisa does breathing exercises or meditation with me when I feel a little down and not motivated”

– Natasha

I love outdoor exercise—running, hiking, swimming—but always avoided gyms and work out classes. By age 75 I had no upper body strength (even struggled with twist-off caps) and, after a bad fall on my tailbone realized that I needed to work on balance, especially since I live alone. I needed a personal trainer, someone patient with a total beginner, someone who listened well and had a sense of humor, who would come to my house every week and teach me how to build my strength. I wanted to learn to work with light weights, acquire some good exercises for balance, help me recover from the tailbone pain, and strengthen my core.

I found in Lisa Duma an incredibly patient trainer with a great repertory of exercises to draw from and adapt to my limitations and fears. I was embarrassed with my lack of strength and my total ignorance of this kind of training–afraid that a trainer would lose patience and interest. The tailbone fall had left me with great fear of any exercise that involved leaning backwards; I was afraid of losing control and hurting myself again.

By late March 2020, after we’d had around twelve weekly sessions, the pandemic became serious and I cancelled our sessions. But by then, Lisa had taught me enough exercises that I could continue on my own and do 40-minute workouts several times a week in addition to my daily hour-long jogging. I continue to work with hand weights and on floor exercises, balance training, and increasing speed on the agility ladder that Lisa marked out on my floor. I like the ladder, in particular, and find my jogging’s getting more like running, even on hills. Several exercises that I started using 2.5 weights I now do with 5 and hope to work up to 10. And I find that my new awareness of my core has improved my endurance and comfort during and after jogging.”

– Judy Michaels

“I started fitness training with Lisa after a period of several years and cumulative loss of fitness after a gradual lapsing of my consistency with fitness activities. Lisa had just the right mix of personal training expertise combined with great interpersonal communication skills and temperament, with warmth, and empathy plus motivational encouragement abilities to both inspire and guide me. She created a plan that was tailored for and achievable by me, with realistic goals to support an active healthy lifestyle in line with my age bracket and natural capabilities. It’s been a true pleasure to work with Lisa and her energetically positive demeanor, her interestingly varied fitness routines, and with her effectiveness in providing feedback throughout each fitness training session. Best of all, Lisa demonstrates a genuine passion for sharing the art and spirit of cultivating a healthy lifestyle through sound physical fitness and nutritional advice and guidance to both educate and motivate her clients

– Susan Rogers